What to do in the Algarve?


I’ve been doing a lot of research on the Algarve in an attempt to determine what will be on tap for the next week. Here are our top five contenders; these could change at a moments notice, but for now this is what we plan on seeing/ doing in the next 5 days:

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FYI Friday: Roadtrip!


We spent last weekend enjoying the sights and sounds of Lisbon. Walking through the narrow streets, the smell of  clean laundry on the line, taking in the tiled buildings and views from all corners of the city. View Post

Three Things I Loved About Lisbon

We recently spent five days in Lisbon, the capital and tourist centre of Portugal.

The selfie sticks, fanny packs, and Tilley hats were everywhere. However, since we were visiting during shoulder season, I’m sure it is nothing in comparison to what the locals are used to seeing during the summer months.

Lisbon had all the hustle and bustle of a large tourist town and given the beauty of the city, and the charm of the locals, it was easy to look beyond the throngs of tourists to enjoy this incredibly interesting, historic capital.

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Portuguese Pride


I have learned many things about Portugal in the short two weeks I have been here. For instance, the ‘jegging’ fad is still going strong, you can get a decent glass of wine for $1.50, and pastries are the fifth food group. However, the most beautiful and heartwarming thing I have learned thus far during my time here is the pride the people have for their country. View Post

The Sandwich

Have you ever wondered to yourself, “what have the Portuguese done to help solve world hunger”? Me neither, until today. On the advice of a tour guide, I set out to find a local sandwich – one which is made of legend. Legend and other stuff, mostly things that humans eat. Allow me to introduce you to my adventure with the Francesinha, Porto’s official answer to end world hunger.
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