
Places to go

One Day in Bologna

Home to the world’s oldest university and famous for its Tortellini, the city of Bologna, Italy has a great deal to offer travellers looking for an Italian experience off the well-travelled path of Venice, Florence, or Rome. But after spending a week in the vibrant city, it is safe to say, that Bologna is “the” city for food lovers.

With a nickname like La Grassa, meaning the Fat One, it’s no wonder I left the city a few pounds heavier and in awe of the culinary experience that is Bologna.

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Visiting the Isle of Elba


A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to travel to the Isle of Elba: the third largest Island in Italy, a trip I never imagined I would make. Mainly because… I had no idea the Isle of Elba existed.

Despite being a keener for geography, the islands of Italy have never been my “area of expertise” therefore, I was pretty excited when our Italian friends suggested we visit for a few days.

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Let’s Catch Up


I promised myself that I wouldn’t start another post with “It’s been a whirlwind week” or something along those lines, but I really feel like that is the most accurate statement of almost every week.

It seems as though time is going faster… and faster… and I can barely keep up! It’s a blessing and a curse.

So what have I been up to? Let’s Catch Up! View Post

Shoulder Season vs. High Season in Europe


The last time I travelled Europe in 2010 it was during Shoulder Season. The wonderful fall months when there is a crispness in the air and more importantly, the tourist crowds throughout Europe start to dissipate. Yes, travelling from the months of September to December meant my suitcase was full of sweaters, and more then one pair of knee-high boots. Fall fashion is my favourite, so that was definitely not a deterrent.

So, what are the differences in travel between these two timelines?

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It’s raining in Toronto; here’s what you should do

Before we set off on our travels through the Caribbean and Europe we had a two-week stop in our glorious former home, Toronto, to visit friends and family.

During our time in the city we had an amazing “indoor day” in an attempt to escape the bone-chilling cold weather that goes hand-and-hand with Toronto in February. Although it’s June now, and starting to warm up in the city, it’s not quite beach weather. Indoor activities might be a good idea until you can truly count on mother-nature to show up.

Here is how to blow your budget and have an epic Saturday (or Sunday if you prefer), in Toronto on a rainy or not-quite-summer day: View Post