Five Vancouver Shops I Love


I admit it. I have a habit of frequenting the larger retail stores in the city – H&M, Forever 21, and ZARA are just a few of the stores I shop at regularly. But on occasion, I crave a different kind of experience.

One that doesn’t have me entering a store filled with rows and rows of the same cardigan. A shopping experience that’s more intimate and inviting, allowing me the opportunity to truly find something special; an item that only a few are privy to.

That’s when I head to some of my favourite boutiques in the city, where I’m bound to find something that isn’t being purchased-on-repeat by the masses.

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Style Secrets: Favourite Hair Products



I have A LOT of hair and as much as I love my thick, blonde, curly tresses, my mane can be difficult to tame on a daily basis.

Because of that, I am always on the lookout for new products that are going to make styling easier and give my hair the longevity it needs to last a few days without too much work.

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Style Secret: Makeup Splurge vs. Save

I have a few guilty pleasures I like to indulge in.

Chocolate, red wine, trashy television, ’90s playlists and makeup. Oh boy, do I ever like my makeup.

Like many people in this day and age, I am a contributor to the every growing beauty market. A market so large that it is estimated to reach $265 billion in 2017.

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Long Term Travel: Essentials from H&M

If you have been following my journey on Wander Before What since the beginning, you would remember that packing is not my forte.

Although I have improved on my packing skills over the years (I can now do three weeks in the Caribbean with just a carry-on), the thought of packing for six months of travel over three different seasons was daunting.

But now that we are coming up on the end of this journey and I look into my suitcase… I think I nailed it! I’ve had a few people ask me what I bought and what I brought. View Post

Three Skincare Products I Love

Over the past three months I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of writing my blog. It has given me an outlet to communicate with friends and family, meet new friends via the blogging community and forced me to learn acronyms that were previously not part of my vocabulary. SEO anyone?!

Having my own little space on the internet has also assisted in rediscovering my passion for writing, sharing, and exploring the world around me. But moving forward there are other interests that I would like to integrate into my blog… the first being beauty and fashion.

This Thursday’s Three Things is a beauty post is on my favourite skincare products so read on and enjoy!

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