Blogger Love: New Discoveries

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What can I say about November… so long and good riddance!

The days got shorter and darker, the weather in Vancouver was pretty ‘Meh” and since I was participating in Sobevember, I couldn’t even have a drink to boost my spirits. Needless to say, I’m happy to put November behind me.

I will admit that the lack of happy hours and weekend drinks with friends did lead me to spend some more time at home (my wallet is very happy about that) which gave me a chance to discover some me bloggers that kept my wanderlust meter full through the dreary month of November:

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Travel Channels That Inspire Wanderlust

travelchannelsMr. Ben Brown, The Blonde Abroad, EX-PATS

From blogs to YouTube, SnapChat, Instagram and more, it’s easy to catch a case of wanderlust in this day and age. So much so, that sometimes it can feel that everyone and their grandmother is off on some grand adventure.

But the travel blogging/ vlogging community isn’t about sharing their adventures to put them on an unreachable pedestal. It’s quite the reverse.

The majority share with the world in an attempt to let us all know that if you want to travel the world and/ or live a different type of lifestyle, it can be done. Regardless of where you come from or what budget you may have, catching a case of wanderlust can be easily cured, if you are willing to take a little risk.

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Summer in Canada

 World of Wanderlust  Flying the Nest   Girl vs Globe

If I could recommend any time to visit Canada it would be the summer, which shouldn’t come as much of a surprise.

I absolutely adore my country and cannot say enough great things about it, but I would be foolish if I said, “Canada is great to visit any time of the year”. That my friends, is not an accurate statement.

Don’t get me wrong – Canada is beautiful in the winter, and if you’re an avid skier or snowboarder it might be your dream to visit our incredible mountain ranges (specifically the west coast, where you’ll find some of the best skiing on the planet). Having said that, I would HIGHLY advise visiting Canada during the summer months, when you don’t have to wear layers of clothing and scrape ice off your rental car.

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Recent Discoveries: Travel Blog Edition

Since I started this blog five months ago, I have learned so much about the blogging world, specifically the travel-blogging community.

I have become a regular social media user (Instagram and Twitter I’m looking at you), and have continued to find my niche, or voice, as I work away on my little corner of the internet.

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Who I Follow: Instagram

If you’re part of Generation Y, you probably have Instagram – if you don’t have it, you’ve definitely heard of it. As of December 2014, Instagram has amassed 300 million users, which results in approximately 40 million photos being posted daily to the service. One or two a day being from little old me at wanderb4what.

Now, if you don’t use Instagram, I hope that reading this post will inspire you to download the app and start “following” some of these interesting accounts. Instagram has become popular for a variety of reasons. Personally, I enjoy Instagram because it gives you direct access to interesting people, places, and photographs that have on more then one occasion left me inspired.

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