Since I started this blog five months ago, I have learned so much about the blogging world, specifically the travel-blogging community.
I have become a regular social media user (Instagram and Twitter I’m looking at you), and have continued to find my niche, or voice, as I work away on my little corner of the internet.
One thing that I am constantly discovering is new talent… well, new to me. Many travel bloggers I uncover have been around since the concept of travel blogging took off and are literally pioneers of the travel blogging community, while others are relatively new like myself.
Today, I thought I would share some of the blogs I’ve discovered recently that have become daily reads. I figured if I like them, you might too!
Monica from The Travel Hack has been around for years – six years to be exact, and has steadily made a name for herself in the blogging community. What started out as two years of documenting the travel experience for her local newspaper has turned into a full time travel blogging career. You may ask what took me so long to discover such a seasoned travel blogger? Well, to be honest, I’m not quite sure, but I’m so glad she’s in my blogroll now!
The Travel Hack is a well-laid out and extremely diverse travel blog that offers articles ranging from Pregnancy Travel Tips to Luggage Reviews, and so much more. Cruising Monica’s website simultaneously feels like catching up with an old friend and reading the latest travel-trending magazine.
Follow Monica on Twitter here.
I recently discovered Eric from Travel Tall on Twitter. After exploring his Twitter feed it quickly became evident that I needed to know more about this guy’s journey.
Eric has been travelling since September 2014 and is determined to take the road less travelled – meaning he is dedicated to travelling without the use of air transportation. He is a self-taught photographer and filmmaker who took a year to learn the craft in order to quit his unfulfilling job and pursue a life worth living, one that he now documents beautifully over on his blog.
Yes, he may be tall, but there is so much more to Travel Tall than meets the eye.
Follow Eric on Twitter here.
I stumbled upon Nicole and Michael from Suitcase Stories when I was Googling articles about House Sitting, something that I am very interested in but not yet well-versed in.
Suitcase Stories was born out of the idea that one does not have to be a millionaire in order to travel in the lap of luxury. The website is defined as “… a luxury travel guide, a house sitting guide and a place to find inspiration to live your own amazing life“, but also offers travelling tips, destination guides, and more.
It has been one of the most informative websites I’ve found with regards to house sitting. I’m still reading through all the amazing articles on the topic, and can’t wait to explore more of the website.
Follow Nicole and Michael on Twitter here.
Chloe focuses much of her attention on solo female travel, as she should, seeing as she is one well-travelled lady. She has a background in the radio industry where she spent five years producing shows for UK radio, and currently blogs for the well-known online news source, The Huffington Post.
Her blog style is charming and diverse, offering posts like The Relationship Between Travel and Music, and My Strange, Sporadic, Unplanned Life. Chloe writes with a relateability that is absorbed easily by Gen Y.
Follow Chloe on Twitter here.
Yvonne made up a word, which is one of my favourite things to do – so I just had to click on her blog when I saw her on Twitter. Playing off the phrase “Just Fabulous”, Just Travelous is a website dedicated to her travelous life and documenting her happenings via photos and videos for the world to see.
Her writing is charismatic, informative, and entertaining, it also is written in German and English (Double bonus!). She’s been around the globe and has some crazy stories to tell; Yvonne is definitely someone you want to check out!
Follow Yvonne on Twitter here.
Have you recently discovered a travel blogger you can’t get enough of? Let me know, I’d love to check them out!
Thanks so much for including The Travel Hack! Some awesome blogs here so I’m honoured to be included 🙂 Happy travels!
Cheers Monica! Keep up the great work!