Three Things I Didn’t Like in London

Starting this week, I’m going to do a regular post titled “Thursday’s Three Things”.

These things will change week to week. For example, it could be “Three Things I Loved”, or “Three Things to Avoid”, maybe even “Three Phrases to Know”, the list is endless really.

But for this week’s “Three Things” it is… drum roll please… View Post

Last Day in London Town

All week the weather in London had been bearable. Truthfully, for London during March it was almost exceptional. There was no rain, the sun was out everyday and it was about thirteen degrees. Totally doable.

On our last day the clouds rolled in and the wind made it frigid so we decided to do some indoor activities. On the list: the London Eye and St. Paul’s Cathedral. We figured we might as well end on an uber tourist note. View Post

A Day in London

Well, after the first day’s epic journey, I doubt my stylin’ Lucky Brand ankle boots were made for walking.

Or, maybe it’s not the boots fault, maybe it’s the fact that I spent the past three weeks in Grenada where my physical activity was limited / non-existent.

Regardless, my lower extremities were feeling the pain. But I wasn’t going to let a few, and by few I mean two shin splints stop me, no way! We had three more full days to see the city. View Post

London Town

I have always had this fascination with London. It began long before I had ever visited the mega city.

I don’t exactly know when it started or why but I always envisioned myself a transplant in London. Riding the tube, having afternoon tea, toasting pints before the sun went down, and accidentally conversing in a terrible British accent. Is it just me, or do you sometimes catch yourself imitating the accent of a person you are talking to? No? Just me? View Post

Grenada to London.


We are definitely not the first, nor will we be the last, but wow, that was a long time to be on a runway. Our departure from Grenada was going smoothly, we had our last Carib, said our goodbyes, waltzed through security, and stood around the steaming airport waiting to board our plane. View Post