
Things about me

Wednesday: What Am I Reading?

If you caught my posts last week, you would know that I’ve become enamoured with the world of travel blogging. It’s like a black hole you can get lost in, every further click leading to a new adventurer, lists of tips and tricks, amazing photos, captivating pieces of prose and hours of endless Vlogs to entice you further to… click. View Post

Travel Planning for Type B People


I’ve never been one for planning too far in advance, in any aspect of my life, especially with travel.

I don’t like having things ‘too planned’. I’m all for a general guideline of the days ahead, even the week ahead for that matter, but when it gets to the two week mark, that’s about all my Type B personality can handle. View Post

Three Things I Didn’t Like in London

Starting this week, I’m going to do a regular post titled “Thursday’s Three Things”.

These things will change week to week. For example, it could be “Three Things I Loved”, or “Three Things to Avoid”, maybe even “Three Phrases to Know”, the list is endless really.

But for this week’s “Three Things” it is… drum roll please… View Post

First Week Flashback.


Well, look at that, a whole month has flown by without a single update from yours truly.

Now, I can make all the excuses in the world for why I haven’t posted anything since our Vancouver departure but the main reason is… I just didn’t. View Post

It’s time to say goodbye.

Two more sleeps and we will be leaving the comforts of home to wander parts of the globe for six months. I couldn’t be more excited! View Post