
Things about me

Almost Thirty, pt. 3

Cypress Bowl

I’m officially on the ten day countdown until thirty! Here’s part three of my feature “Almost Thirty”.

Today’s post: Things don’t always go as planned. View Post

Let’s Catch Up


I have been blogging my travels for over a month now and have enjoyed writing every post. It has allowed me an outlet to express myself, share our stories, and explore my dormant love of writing. It’s been great connecting with fellow bloggers and learning about how the travel blogging process works, but I sometimes feel like I’m missing something. View Post

Who I Follow: Instagram

If you’re part of Generation Y, you probably have Instagram – if you don’t have it, you’ve definitely heard of it. As of December 2014, Instagram has amassed 300 million users, which results in approximately 40 million photos being posted daily to the service. One or two a day being from little old me at wanderb4what.

Now, if you don’t use Instagram, I hope that reading this post will inspire you to download the app and start “following” some of these interesting accounts. Instagram has become popular for a variety of reasons. Personally, I enjoy Instagram because it gives you direct access to interesting people, places, and photographs that have on more then one occasion left me inspired.

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Almost Thirty, pt. 2

Algarve Sunset

One can’t help but reflect on the past year when your birthday starts to creep up in your calendar. In my case, this year has me looking back through an entire decade and thinking “What did my twenties teach me?” Here’s part 2 in my Almost Thirty reflection.

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Almost Thirty, pt.1


In less then a month I will be turning thirty.

To be honest, I thought I would feel more anxious about it, or have a looming feeling of doom. But I don’t.
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