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The Best Thing About Memories Is Making Them

paros sunrise

As I sit here in my childhood home in Ontario, thinking about all I have seen and done in the past five months I am overwhelmed with emotion and imagery. It’s funny how you can think back on a moment in time and almost re-live it, if you can be still enough.

I can still feel the heat of the Sahara sun, smell the salt water air of Crete, and taste my first sip of Italian Grappa (Ugh, so much Grappa). I can remember the bus ride I took from Faro, Portugal to Seville, Spain. The first time I laid my eyes on the intricacy of the stonework at the Alhambra, and my first sip of Belgium Beer in Brussels.

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Good Shoes Take You Good Places

As we approach the end of our 6 month European adventure, I have noticed myself looking into the depths of my suitcase and thinking, “Could I have done better?” By that I mean, could I have packed less, would I have chosen different articles, are there things hiding in there that I haven’t even touched?

I wrote before on how packing for long-term travel can be somewhat daunting (find the articles here and here), and how it’s tough to pack for weather that will span three different seasons: winter, spring and summer. But now, as I sit here with two days left of our trip, I think, “I did a pretty damn good job”.

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Long Term Travel: Essentials from H&M

If you have been following my journey on Wander Before What since the beginning, you would remember that packing is not my forte.

Although I have improved on my packing skills over the years (I can now do three weeks in the Caribbean with just a carry-on), the thought of packing for six months of travel over three different seasons was daunting.

But now that we are coming up on the end of this journey and I look into my suitcase… I think I nailed it! I’ve had a few people ask me what I bought and what I brought. View Post

Three Tips for Travelling in a Pack


I have been very blessed over the past few weeks to have numerous guests join Andy and I on our travels. Some have been planning their journey for months, while others found a break in their schedule and thought, “why not?!”

We dined like kings in Italy with my almost-in-laws, road-tripped around Sardinia with my friend Emma, explored Paris with my mother (her 1st time in the City of Light), and drank far too much beer with our globetrotting friend Kerri in Belgium. The memories that were made will last a lifetime, and the stories that can be told, well, many will be kept within the pack.

But is travelling alone easier than travelling in a group?

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Three Skincare Products I Love

Over the past three months I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of writing my blog. It has given me an outlet to communicate with friends and family, meet new friends via the blogging community and forced me to learn acronyms that were previously not part of my vocabulary. SEO anyone?!

Having my own little space on the internet has also assisted in rediscovering my passion for writing, sharing, and exploring the world around me. But moving forward there are other interests that I would like to integrate into my blog… the first being beauty and fashion.

This Thursday’s Three Things is a beauty post is on my favourite skincare products so read on and enjoy!

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