What Can I Say About Rome?

roman forum- rome

I had the idea that I would post a guide on how to spend a few days in the megacity that is Rome, then I had a epiphany during my Google search…

Two days in Rome is one of the most over-saturated travel blog posts ever, so instead of regurgitating what is already out there for all to see, I’m going to share with you what I liked and didn’t like about my visit to Rome this past May.

But if you are interested in how to make the most of your two days in Rome, you’ll find links to my favourite guides at the end of this post.



What I Liked About Rome:


Rome is known for its heat, where it reaches over 30ºC in the summer, making the hours spent wandering the Forum and city almost unbearable if you don’t come prepared. However, in May the weather is perfect; with highs reaching around 23°C and dipping into the low-teens at night, you truly couldn’t pick a better time to the city weather-wise. 

Old Bear

The Old Bear is the restaurant we stumbled upon on our last night in Rome. The restaurant is located on a small side street just a few minutes walk from the famous Piazza Navona and offers a relaxed and cozy atmosphere. We has great service, a delicious meal, and didn’t feel like we were getting suckered in a tourist restaurant – what more could you ask for in Rome?

The Sights

Come on, it’s Rome, of course I’m going to say the sights! From the Colosseum, to Palatine Hill, the Roman Forum, the Pantheon, Vatican City, Trevi Fountain (which was under renovation) the sights in Rome will blow any first time or seasoned traveller away. Being able to experience Rome for the second time in my life felt surreal and to be honest, I think it was even better the second time around.


What I Disliked About Rome:

The Tourist Machine

I said it once in a previous post and I’ll say it again: the crowds! It is estimated that over 12 million people visit the small city center each year, so it comes as no surprise that there’s crowds in May.

What did come as a surprise to me is what goes along with the throngs of tourists, which in my opinion is even more annoying then the selfie-snapping oblivious-of-others tourists themselves… the tour guides! Or as I like to refer to them as, the hecklers. Holy crap! They are everywhere, but ironically, I found the most and the rudest outside of the Vatican.

There is a constant bombardment of “Tour Miss…”, “I can get you past the line…”, “Are you going to the Vatican?” and all the tag lines you can imagine. One after another, each louder than the preceding offer, and usually right up in your personal space. So if you are headed to Rome, be prepared – I tried my best to say politely “No thank-you” to everyone, but that got hard, real fast.

The Prices

No surprise here, Rome is expensive! My frugal self had to bite my tongue on more then one occasion as I paid for a ridiculously overpriced cup of coffee, tiny hotel room, mediocre martini… but then again, it comes with the territory.

Once again, this has to be one of the most covered topics in the travel section of the internet. For more information on how to spend two days in Rome, check out some of my favourites:

Reid’s Italy- Two Days in Rome

History in High Heels- How to Conquer Rome in Two Days

How Beautiful It Is- Rome in Two Days on Foot

Contented Traveller- 48 Hours in Rome 

The Independent- Rome Travel Tips: Where to go and what to see in 48 hours

Also, check out Time Out Rome for more information and up-to-date information on what’s happening in the city.

Any tips you would add, above and beyond what’s already been covered?




  1. July 15, 2015 / 2:22 am

    Great tips and I completely agree that Rome is so touristy. I was put off by all the people trying to sell me tourist merchandise and tours on every block while I was there. Rome is beautiful though nonetheless. Great photos!


    • wanderbeforewhat
      July 18, 2015 / 2:29 pm

      Thanks Eden. It’s hard to take photos that haven’t already been done, but damn! It’s just too beautiful to resist.
      I’m glad you still had a good time.

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